on 22nd of January i'm 20 years old.. yeah, old. It means that my 'contract's live' in this world decrease a year.
thanks for hope and pray all of you guys. Wish Allah make its come true. Amiiiiin

Umm.. i'll tell lil a bit about a day full on 'my day'. A lot of surprise from my besties! 

Start from at 00.00
Fajar (call him Om), knocked my room. He was so panick and in a hurry to take me to the garage.
And then, whoalaaaa................ Helmi, Adip, Febel and Ogeb came out from their hide and brought birthday cake.
Surprised !

from left : Om, Adiv, Helmi
Unexpected, the threw me an eggs, flour, coffee and other ingredient which disgusting things.

Is it over?
Absoulety not!
Inspite, at 10.30 am i've final exam and i didn't sleep till morning. Hahaa

After finished an exam, i went to my kost and wanna take a bath before encounter.
My friends've already there waiting for me.. And they catched me then stringed my arms and legs with rafia.
not only that, they give me a special eggs, coffee and flour to my face and inside my body too!
Thanks a lot for my babies Eva, Riza, Tiara , Cuping (aka Galih) , Adiv(again), and Helmi (again).
Adiv, Helmi, Eva, Me, Tiara,
i'm like a statue !

Yeah, i should reschedule my encounter.
After i take a bath, we went to Strawberry Cafe at Tanjung Duren.
A thanks gift for my besties.

You know, i got a surprised there(again) !
Lampu mati dan ada lampu disko-disko tapi lagu nya mission imposible trus pelayanya kayak james bond bawa senjata-senjataan dan ngeborgol gue.
And whoalaaaaa.... they spray me with foam and flour(again) !
messed time !

That's an amazing Birthday ever... Thankyou guys. And special thanks to Helmi who prepared all that plan.
Really love them so much


Video yang berkaitan dengan on My TWENTY

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